David Stevenson started the Coalition for Ocean Protection and even claimed he wanted to save the whales. Still, Stevenson has made his career advancing far-right-wing policy positions and even serves on the Board of Policy Advisors of the Heartland Institute.
The Heartland Institute is one of the most prominent right-wing think-tanks that has spread misinformation about climate change. Frontline reported, “Few entities have worked harder to instill doubt in American minds about the science of climate change than the Heartland Institute. The self-styled ‘action tank’ has published dozens of books and other media amplifying the voices of those who reject the scientific consensus on climate change. Last year, the libertarian organization mailed instructional materials questioning whether global warming is real to science teachers across the nation.”
Heartland has even sent thousands of copies of its anti-climate change books to students and teachers nationwide.
So, has one of their policy board members gone rogue and suddenly started caring about whales?
Or, has David Stevenson started a front group that works to spread misinformation and stop renewable energy projects?
It seems more likely that Stevenson’s newfound interest in whales is more about stopping renewable energy when you consider Donald Trump tapped him in 2016 to help staff up the EPA. And even more so when we learn he is a former DuPont executive.
At the Coalition for Renewables Now, we will bring out the facts about those who oppose American Renewable Energy – because it’s time we made America the leader in Renewables and not in scams and charades.