Center for Biological Diversity – Suing American Renewable Energy to Get Rich

The founders of the Center for Biological Diversity are amassing wealth at the expense of American renewable energy projects – and it’s all funded by the taxpayers!


CBD has filed 249 lawsuits against the Government, halting energy projects across the nation. Their aggressive tactics have led to a staggering growth – their annual budgets have swelled by over 600% since 2012. In the past decade alone, their CEO, Kieran Suckling, has inflated his salary to $384,181 ($32,000 per month) – including $51,000 in benefits, all from your tax dollars and tax deductible donations. And he’s not even the highest earner!


And it doesn’t end there. The four founders of CBD pay themselves over 1.26 million dollars a year.


CBD has blocked wind and solar projects as they continue their aggressive legal tactics, leading them to spend over $82,000 A DAY to block renewable energy production. CBD’s tactics lead to less environmental progress while their bank account grows.


Claiming to ‘save life on earth’ while using controversial sources like Shell Oil for funding is terrible enough. It seems they turn a blind eye to the biological diversity killed by oil spills, or the polluted drinking water, contaminated farmland, and the costs to governments for cleanup.


As CBD has grown, they’ve gotten into some questionable “issue advocacy.” This year, CBD has spent money funding ballot initiatives unrelated to the environment across the country. And they’ve even adopted a policy advocating for male sterilization.


CBD is working to block the Western Solar Plan, which would greenlight 11 new solar projects across the United States. At a time when America needs to produce more of its own renewable energy, this is precisely the kind of thing that stops domestic energy production.


In 2023, CBD sued to block a geothermal project that would help Nevada reach its renewable energy goals, allegedly to save a toad.


While the Center for Biological Diversity says it wants to be championing wildlife protection, their actions seem to be more about personal gain, leaving taxpayers in the dark about their true intentions.


Ultimately, they seem to have more in common with Shell Oil than at first appears – Look at the cute animal while I maneuver my cup to hide the truth from you.


Here at the Coalition for Renewables Now, we plan to expose their profiteering, misdirection, and obstruction to American Renewable Energy because it’s time we made America the leader in renewables and not in scams and charades.


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