CBD took a 3 million dollar PPP loan…and still hasn’t paid it back even with tens of millions in its bank account.

When times are tough for millions of Americans, it’s still important that the sue and settle money printing machine at CBD stays up and running. That’s why CBD applied for and accepted a $3 million Paycheck Protection loan during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic.  You read that right, the American taxpayers bailed out CBD to the tune of $3 million which helped pay the legal fees for CBD to sue the American taxpayers. No comparable environmental nonprofit identified to date received a PPP loan.  And they are hypocrites: CBD’s exploitation of the PPP contradicts its public statements on the PPP program. They criticized utility companies for receiving over $1 billion in PPP funds. 



Center for Biological Diversity – Tracking PPP — ProPublica

Report: Electric Utilities Took $1.25 Billion in Pandemic Bailouts, Shut Off Power to Households Nearly 1 Million Times — Center for Biological Diversity 

Sue and Settle Litigation Continues to Create Controversy – Wiley Law

Center for Biological Diversity 2020 Audited Financial Statements — Center for Biological Diversity


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